I'm enjoying the 1980 publication: ‘More Looking Back’ by the Leamington Literary Society. It is a sequel to 'The Leamington We Used To Know’ by the Leamington Literary Society. The book features the memories of Leamingtonians such a Hilda Hay-Coghlan Willes, Dolly Brearley Lawson, Cecily Haynes, Elise de Normanville Davey, Kit Sheepey Judd, Millicent Milne and Alfred & Gladys Holloway. It is well organised into the following chapters:
1. Some of Leamington's Veterens
2. A Bit Churchy
3. Spanning the Wars
4. Interlude
5. Civilian Services
6. Shops
7. Undertakings Old & New
8. Coming & Going
9. Pastimes & Pleasures
As a Leamingtonian, born and bred, the book is a revelation. My Jamaican father lived in Leam from 1957 till his death in 2003. My Jamaican mother lived in Leam from October 1962 until her death in March 2010,
Much of the Leamington my parents would have experienced was gone by the time I started to take notice of my surrounding so this book is giving an insight into the Leamington they wold have known.
Not many reference to black and Asian populations beyond the 1972 arrival of Ugandan Asian.
p134 makes ref to the arrival of Indian workers at Lockheeds: "They were put on to labouring at first, and then to other jobs later. They were educated men, most of them, and there were one or two among them who had been to University. There are Indian women as well working at Lockheeds now."